Saturday, February 26, 2011

In My Mailbox #2

As I feel like poopie today and my throat does not allow me to talk louder than a whisper, my IMM this week will not be a video. Instead here's a post that would resemble what my video would be like .

Under a War-Torn Sky by L.M. Elliot
   This is  a World War II historical fiction novel about Henry Forester, the youngest, but best flier in his Air Force squadron at the age of nineteen. His plane is shot down on a mission behind enemy lines and he has to find a way back to safety in one piece.
 If you are participating in the 2011 YA Historical Fiction Challenge, you may want to check this book out.

   A Model Summer by Paulina Porizkova
  According to Barnes and Noble and Goodreads, this is not a Young Adult book. But I feel that sometimes books in the Adult genre can sometimes be suitable for young readers. So I will read this and post here what makes it okay or not okay for a young adult to read this.
    This book is about a fifteen year old girl who gets invited to Paris to try modeling and finds it isn't as glamourous as she dreamed. It is written by a model, so this should be interesting....

That was In My Mailbox this week. Look forward to these reviews soon and tell me, what's in your mailbox? Hope everyone has a great book week!
      ~ Marriah

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