Thursday, August 11, 2011

Read Dangerously Read-a-Thon Update and Challenges

Since I can't just read one book at a time, I am currently reading two books for this challenge, both of which will be finished by the end of today.

1. Claimed(Witches of Santa Anna Book One) by Lauren Barnholdt and Aaron Gorvine
Claimed (The Witches of Santa Anna, #1)    44 out of 60 pages complete

2. Crash by Jerry Spinelli
    92 out of 168 pages complete

Hours Read (so far): 3
Total pages read (so far): 136

Here are today's challenges:

1. For this challenge, we are supposed to pick 1-3 songs that relate to the book we're currently reading. Since I'm reading two, I'm going to use the use Claimed for this one.
    A. Decode by Paramore
           Reason: This book reminds me of Twilight sorta with the new girl and the mysterious kids that everyone swoons over. This song kinda embodies that along with the questionable romance aspect, which is also present in the book.
     B. Shameless by All Time Low
             Reason: I feel like this song plays every time Raine, one of the popular main characters, walks into the room. It definitely describes her in title alone.

2. The second challenge was to have a mini excerpt of your current read that doesn't contain spoilers. I'm going to use Crash for this one. This excerpt is from page 17:
                " My mother  didn't like the peel job on the tree, so I was grounded for three days. My sister  
collected the scraps of bark and got some Elmer's glue and pasted them back on the tree trunk like a jigsaw puzzle."

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